Marketing Outreach Outcome. Obviously! Token

Ticker: MOOO

Contract Address: TBD

Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20)

Initial Supply: 810,000

Circulating Supply: Updated here: https://api.hashtagger.com/smartcontract/supply?q=circulating

Maximum Supply: 30 Million MOOOs (For reference: https://api.hashtagger.com/smartcontract/supply?q=total)

Token Distribution:

Vesting conditions: For the VCs: 20% upon exchange listing, 6.67% per month thereafter

For the team and the advisors: 9 months cliff after the exchange listing, 5% every month thereafter

Ecosystem growth: 1 month cliff. 4% every month thereafter

Exchange liquidity Provision: For Liquidity pool creations, MarketMaking activities and exchange provisions .

Protocol and community reserve: First release after a week of TGE (Token generation event.) 4%every month.

Marketing: 5% on TGE (token generation event) and 5% per month vesting after that.

Initial Market Cap calculations:

Last updated