Manipulation prevention and Banning

Measures to stop the abuse of the platform by malicious actors

Manipulation prevention

To provide rewards to legitimate users and provide quality campaigns, we have different Sybil resistance mechanisms

  • We link the different accounts together : 1 Twitter account per wallet

  • We forbid VPN / proxy

  • We have a minimum requirement for participation in campaigns

  • We check the uniqueness of a post


Prevention is of course not enough, so we also ban people from the platform.

The following behaviors can also earn a user a suspension or a permanent ban from the platform :

  • Posting any explicit or NSFW content in the pool.

  • Posting religious content in the pool.

  • Posting political content in the pool.

  • Posting any hate speech in the pool.

  • Spreading misinformation.

  • Using bots and/or hiring people to artificially inflate one's tweet engagement.

  • Exchanging engagement

Before banning we try as much as possible to issue warnings first and make the rules visible.

In order to not help people to cheat we don't describe the algorithm in depth.

We monitor multiple metrics on both the account and the posts, every inconsistency will lead to a ban, the algorithms/checks evolve often, it will become harder and harder to cheat.

The easiest way of not getting banned is not trying to inflate his engagement.

We describe some of the behaviors which leads to a ban in the article below:

Last updated