Airdrop campaigns

So that everyone can get a chance of winning a big prize, even if you don't have a lot of followers, we also created Airdrop campaigns.

The factors behind and airdrops campaign are:

  • The number of people you referred who also participated

  • The prizes

  • The number of people participating

The prizes

They are 2 different prizes, the bigs, and the smalls

The amounts and the number of prizes will change depending on the campaigns.

You can only win a prize per campaign (if you get a big prize you cannot get a small one)


You can increase your chances by inviting other people

You get 1 point when you participate plus an additional 0.3 chance for each referral who participated

Bonus multiplier

In certain campaigns, where the bonus multiplier is on, holding or staking MOOOs multiply chance of winning


This is a sample without replacement

Additional info

A campaign distributes 3 big prizes of 500 MOOO and 100 prizes of 1 MOOO

That's means if 105 people participated only 2 will not have a prize.

If Eric invite 5 people who participated he will have 2.5 chances of winning (1 + 5 * 0.3)

If no one except Eric referred people what total points will be 105 * 1 + 2.5 = 107.5

Proof of fairness

To prove we are fair to everyone we describe the exact way how we choose winners. At the beginning of the campaign, we select a block number that will be mined after the end of the campaign

At the end of the campaign, we export a list of every participant, which we make available.

The block number we previously select is mined, we get the block hash and we use it as a seed for a pseudo-random generator function, the first people selected are the big prizes, then the small ones.

The code for selection is available here on github

You can check on our website if the result is right here or from the campaign page via the button proof of fairness

Why is it fair?

A pseudo random generator function is a way a creating a list a random data in a replicable way, they will produce the same list of number if you give them the same data to start (named the seed). Because we have no way of guessing the block hash in advance (this is created by all the transactions that happened in the blockchain) we have no influence over the result.

Example: We export a list of 10 people, for 1 big prize and 2 small when the block is available we notice the hash is 55

Note: The winners will be always the same with the same hash (for example) numbers 4, 8, 9 in the list so 4 will win a big prize, and 8 and 9 win a small prize.

In the crypto world, people are familiar with something close, your keys are created similarly, from seed words you always created the same address, if you change computer and reinstall metamask with the same seed, all your addresses (the first, second, third, etc..) will be the same, from a single seed you create consistent series of addresses (which are numbers).

Last updated